These paper-thin all-ceramic veneers make it possible to realize perfect anterior esthetics using a minimally invasive concept. Tooth position anomalies and form corrections can also be resolved along with dark tooth shades. There is no need for invasive preparation of the affected teeth. In fact, it is often the case that no tooth substance has to be sacrificed at all (no-prep veneers).
View our brochure about veneers.
Adhesive bridges
Adhesive bridges have become a standard treatment, regardless of age, for replacing incisors with caries-free neighboring teeth. Single-wing all-ceramic adhesive bridges made of zirconium dioxide are an innovation that now provide outstanding clinical and esthetic results in the anterior region.
Do you have questions for us?
We can be reached from
Monday to Friday
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Labcom S.A. Center
184, route de Trèves
L-6940 Niederanven
Tel.: +352 263 520 94
Labcom S.A. North
15 Rue Abbé Henri Muller
L-9065 Ettelbruck
Tel.: +352 812 007